Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Basic Fat Loss Plan - Motivational Sayings to Boost Mental Energy, and Fasting to Initiate Fat Loss

Here are some of my favorite motivational sayings for sticking to a fat loss goal.

1. Calories can't make you happy.
........You've come too far in life to take orders from a cookie.

2. Don't give up what you want most for what you want at the moment.

3. " Food is fuel not therapy "

4. "Fall seven times, stand up eight." - Japanese proverb

5. "Eat to Live; Don't Live to Eat"

6. "Let it waste in the trash, not on my waist"

Read my personalized workout plan here.


Want to get started losing fat? Here's a quick fasting plan that recently helped me on the track to starting my weight loss and exercise plan.

A.) Juice Fast - Along with water, only fruit and vegetable juices are consumed for a time.

B.) Water Fast - Only water is consumed for a time.

C.) Dry Fast - Nothing is consumed for a time, including water.

I do not advocate dry fasting, unless your religion calls for it. Juice fasting has health benefits, but they are much less pronounced than the benefits from water fasting, which I am about to describe my experience with in detail.

Recently, I did a 10 day water fast:

Started: 4/9/09
Ended: 4/18/09
Starting Weight: 242
Ending Weight: 221

I lost 21 pounds over the course of the fast. I am on Week #3 of recovery after the fast, and have not gained any of the weight back. In fact, I am down to 213.

Fasting is a very effective weight loss tool, especially for obese individuals like myself. However, fasting for the sole reason of losing weight is not prudent, and that is not the reason I did it. Over the course of about 26 years, I have eaten the wrong kinds of foods, and paid little regard to my body's health. As a result, I grew out of touch with my body. Fasting has helped me with the following:

A.) Mood. Before I started losing weight, I stayed depressed over 90% over the time. Since losing weight, I have had wild ups and downs, which has been very frustrating. During the fast, my mood was steadily content, and has remained steadily content.

B.) Hungry/Full Signals. This still needs work, but the full signals have improved to an extent. Before, I could sit down and eat over 1000 grams of veggies (just veggies - no additives) and not even feel remotely full. Since my fast ended, veggies have greatly curbed my appetite, and I have had to take breaks during some meals.

C.) Detoxification. This isn't something you can confirm too well, but my skin does appear more clear. Water fasting is excellent for detoxification, because your body has little else to do.

Here is how the process works:

#1.) During the first couple of days, the body does burn muscle.

#2.) After the first couple of days, your body enters a stage called ketosis, in which your body does not have glycogen to fuel your body. During this time, your body undergoes a process known as "protein sparing", causing your body to burn a very minimal amount of muscle.

#3.) During ketosis, your body is forced to go directly to your fat stores for energy. Your body breaks down the fat and converts it to the glycogen that you need to survive. The more fat you have, the more of it your body will break down.

#4.) The vast majority of your body's toxins are stored directly in your fat cells. Ketosis causes rapid breakdown of the fat, and a result, a heavier amount of toxins than normal are released into your bloodstream. This frequently results in dizziness, nausea, and other effects. This is normal.

#5.) The body uses an extraordinary amount of energy just to digest your food. Since it no longer has to do that, it shifts focus to repairing your body and removing toxins, including those in your colon.

#6.) After a time (usually about the time your body enters ketosis), the hunger signals will stop coming. When they return, that is typically a sign from your body that it is done, and it is time to start eating again.

Read the rest of my personalized workout plan here.

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